Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are Shipping & Receiving hours?
A. Monday thru Friday 8am – 4pm.
Q. If we cross dock and rework loads will prices vary?
A. Yes, prices vary based off each situation.
Q. Can we rent personal units?
A. No, we are a completely racked facility and we stored based off volume not square footage.
Q. What are the temperatures of the facility?
A. Refrigerated is 37°F-41°F and Freezer is 0°F-10°F.
Q. Do you have in-house transportation?
A. Yes, we have our own truck plus an outside carrier base.
Q. Do you have certified scales on site?
A. Yes, at both locations.
Q. Do you have blast freezers?
A. Yes. At both facilities.
Q. Can you bulk unload for pecans?
A. Yes, we have a hopper pit at both locations.
Q. Are you SQF and AIB Certified?
A. Yes, we are SQF Certified and we are recertified annually at both locations.
Q. Do you have HACCP Food Safety plans in place?
A. Yes, we have a trained and certified person onsite that maintains all programs.
Q. Can you export products into Mexico?
A. Yes. Both locations are USDA Export approved.